WCU Writing Center Logo

Welcome to Writing Center! We are located in FHG Library 251 above Starbucks.

To contact us:

Writing Center Email writingcenter@wcupa.edu

To make an appointment: Login at left using your West Chester University credentials. 

Specify if you would like an in-person or online appointment.

Online appointments must be set to one hour.

  • You will get an error message if you try to schedule for 30 minutes.
  • Expect to use Google Docs for your online appointment and set the document permissions to enable editable link.
  • Click on red button in your appointment to join your tutor's Zoom.

Tutors need time following the session.

  • Expect to spend 25 minutes for a 30-minute slot and 50 minutes for a 60-minute slot.
  • Be prepared to tell us your process, ask questions, and leave with next steps.
  • Note: Sundays are only virtual appointments. 

Arrive five minutes early for your appointment.